Google is full of tips and tricks to overcome writer's block...and yet most work only temporarily!
One such time when I was going through the WRITER'S BLOCK, and was stuck in a rut...was feeling lost, I dived a little deeper and attempted to understand the different states of a writer's mind.
Turns out...writers have a CREATIVE and an EDITOR state.
The creative state allows free style thinking and is not critical
The editor state works on logic and is very critical
The creative state allows freedom of writing
The editor state restricts freedom of writing
The creative state is required in the initial stages of writing (especially the pre-writing stage)
The editor state is useful at the later/ revision stages of writing
Creative state boosters
✔️ Free flow of ideas
✔️ Abundance of ideas (ideas generate more ideas)
✔️ No criticism (including self-criticism) at ideating stages
Criticism is inversely proportional to writing productivity
Caused by: EDITOR MODE
Cure: Switch to CREATIVE MODE