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Journal of general virology


They accept studies on virus replication, pathogenesis, virus-host interactions, phylogenetic or epidemiologic studies, or studies that address clinical aspects of virus infection.

Article type:

  • Research article ( 3000–7000 words, approx. 100 references )

  • Review article ( 5000–10,000 words, approx. 150 references )

  • Short communication ( 1000–3000 words, approx. 50 references )

  • Insight review ( 1000–3000 words, approx. 50 references )

  • Methods ( 1000–3000 words, approx. 50 references )

  • Letters ( 500–1500 words, approx. 20 references )

  • Personal view ( 500–1500 words, approx. 20 references )

  • Editorial ( As agreed with the Editor )

  • ICTV profile ( 500–1500 words, approx. 5-10 references ) Written by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) study groups, these are concise, review-style articles providing overviews of the classification, structure, and properties of viruses.

Article sub categories:

  • Animal viruses: RNA viruses, DNA viruses, and retroviruses

  • Insect viruses: RNA viruses and DNA viruses

  • Plant viruses: RNA viruses and DNA viruses

  • Others: fungal viruses, prokaryotic viruses, and TSE agents

Journal Index:

Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, CAB Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts Service, Current Awareness in Biological Sciences, Current Contents – Life Sciences, Current Opinion series, EMBASE, MEDLINE, Russian Academy of Science, Science Citation Index, SciSearch, and SCOPUS, as well as on Google Scholar.

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