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Is your writing readable?

Scientific research (your own/your client's) can go beyond the alleys of the scientific community and reach the society, only if you:

  • Write content that is jargon-free (technical jargon is intimidating for the lay reader)

  • Prefer short sentences over long ones (The 'Period' is your best friend!)

Use the Flesch-Kincaid reading ease test to assess ease of understanding and level of readability of your writing.

A score of more than or equal to 60 is good; anything below needs more work!

In addition to reading test scores, ensure the following in your writing:

  • Relatability to your readers' wants and needs

  • The key message of your content is near the beginning of your text

  • The title of your text has a hook that attracts readers

  • There is logical textual flow throughout

  • Sections and paragraphs have been used and kept short to engage readers

  • There are lists, tables, images, and charts for easy skimming, scanning, and added attraction

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