Role of a 'sounding board' for an aspiring science communicator
3 essential elements that ensure integrity of science journalism
3 pointers that ensure reliable science communication
Role of social media in science communication
Defining the audience in science communication
Public engagement triangle
3 unique points that make researchers good science communicators
7 benefits of communicating science in the public domain
Science communication: Goals, Objectives, and Paradigms
10 science careers that do not restrict you to the laboratory or the classroom
Public understanding Vs public engagement
What, Why, and How of science communication
Journal of general virology
Daddy’s girl or Mommy’s boy? Fun fact: You may be either, both, or neither!
Imposter syndrome: The demon within
Cracking the code: a glimpse into the puzzling world of genes!
COVID-19: Airborne? Are masks, physical distancing, & best practices still effective?
A bird’s eye view of the COVID-19 challenge: Pathology to pharmacology