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Welcome to the Cell Savvy Academy!


    At the academy, you will find courses, masterclasses, live webinars, workshops, and interactive chat sessions with industry experts in all aspects pertaining to science communication right from the basics to advanced concepts. No scientific background? No worries! You don't need to know any science to learn science communication! Join now and become a part of one of the most effective communities on the internet!


Past Events

  • Cell Savvy Canvas Edition #1
    Cell Savvy Canvas Edition #1
    Sun, Feb 13
    Online Science Communication Symposium
    Feb 13, 2022, 9:45 AM – 2:15 PM GMT+5:30
    Online Science Communication Symposium
    Feb 13, 2022, 9:45 AM – 2:15 PM GMT+5:30
    Online Science Communication Symposium
    The ‘Cell Savvy Canvas’ is a science communication symposium that brings together science professionals and enthusiasts. The symposium provides a platform for networking and interaction with experts in areas of science, research, psychology, and more.
  • Grammatical Nuances in Science Writing
    Grammatical Nuances in Science Writing
    Multiple Dates
    Wed, Jan 26
    Jan 26, 2022, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM GMT+5:30
    Jan 26, 2022, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM GMT+5:30
    End the distress that grammatical nuances cause to you once and for all!
  • Grammatical Nuances in Science Writing
    Grammatical Nuances in Science Writing
    Multiple Dates
    Sat, Jan 08
    Jan 08, 2022, 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM GMT+5:30
    Jan 08, 2022, 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM GMT+5:30
    End the distress that grammatical nuances cause to you once and for all!
Hear what our students say... (3).png

I'm absolutely thrilled, intellectually tickled & content with the content, spacing & delivery time. Immense gratitude to Pialy ma'am for her patience while answering each of my questions!

Gayatri Vadlamani

Analytics team at Healthygx, Hyderabad

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